Push Notifications - Apple Wallet vs Google Wallet

Push notification similarities and differences for Apple Wallet and Google Wallet.

There are some slight differences between Apple Wallet and Google Wallet. In 99.9% of the cases you don't need to think about the differences we've worked really hard to make it so, but for completeness we've documented how Apple Wallet and Google Wallet looks so you can see for yourself.

Apple Wallet

  • Supports up to 10 geolocations

  • One (1) push notification shown

  • No clear indication on the front of the member card that there's a new push notification

Notification Drawer

Member Card - Front

Member Card - Backside

Google Wallet

  • Does not support geolocation

  • Maximum three (3) push notifications per day

  • Up to three (3) notifications shown, displayed for a maximum of 24 hours

  • Clear indication on the front of the member card that there's a new push notification

Notification Drawer

Member Card - Front

Member Card - Backside


Sending Push Notifications

All you need to know about sending push notications.


How to use the Community page, the place you find all member cards.

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